
  1. Choose the life cycle stages in the project’s ecodesign scope by activating the filter “Life cycle stages”

  2. Screen parameters column, answering the following questions by filling up the column “Type of control” and “Actors”

    1️⃣ If the default foreground/background parameters correspond to your case?

    ❓What is background and foreground parameters ? Click here to understand :

    Type of control

    2️⃣ Who is the actor of the parameter?

    💡If your actors are the workspace collaborator, you can assign them directly in this database by edit properties to “person”.

  3. Collect data by indicating the data sources (you can select the type of data sources directly from the scroll or add new ones)

    ❓Where to find the background data? How to make hypothesis when there’s a lack of information? The page below provide some useful and reliable sources.

    Data sources

    ❓How to evaluate “Design’s compatibility to repair/reuse”? The page below provide a template for repairability/reusability indicator construction and evaluation

    Design for repair/reuse indicator

Functional unit of your PLCA model ?

Reference flow of your PLCA model?

PLCA model